Manarola 1285 *
Manarola 1285 *
Manarola 1285 *
Earth Stone Colours

Manarola 1285 * Quartz Prefab

Manarola 1285 has been an all-time favorite in our Tellus Quartz by Earth Stone collection. It is made up of a perfect mixture of white and light grey tones that swirl together to portray a smooth wave pattern. This color executes elegance and can easily be adjunct to numerous decorative styles. With its durable and stain-resistant features, it becomes the perfect selection for your countertops, walls, or floor. It is available in 2cm and slabs and Prefab for installation flexibility.

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Finish:Polished, Material:Quartz, Available Sizes:,Backsplash:108" x 4", Countertops:108" x 26", Island:108"x 39", 108"x 42",

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